Thursday, February 23, 2012

Searching for Wildflowers

Brilliant sunshine, temperature in the 70s, what else would a person do on such a day except go hunting for wildflowers. Started my trek at Sabino Canyon, but it was so crowded that I was unable to find a parking spot after 10 minutes of driving around the parking lot, so off I drove to Ventana Canyon Trailhead just up the road from Ventana Canyon Golf Course. The trail goes back into the National Forest, into the beautiful canyon with stunning mountains, cliffs and rock outcroppings with the beautiful stately Saguaro throughout.

 My quest for wildflowers was successful as you can see by the following pictures. Unfortunately I do not know the names of the flowers, but this first flower might be a Bladderpod Mustard. 

This I also know is a Mexican Gold Poppy.

This little blossom was in the middle of the path being protected by a rock.

There were bees all throughout my hike taking advantage of the many blossoms, this bee was busy on this Blue Lupine. 

The hillsides were covered with yellow breaking through the rocks and cactus.

This time of year is spectacular for wildflowers in the desert. I will continue my quest over the next month or so to bring you (hopefully) the best pictures of the beautiful colors against the contrasting landscape. Wildflower season is just beginning and I'm excited to continue with hikes on new trails and of course trails I've visited before. You never know what will be around the next bend in the path. Until the next edition - "Happy Trails".

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bobcat Tale

While enjoying the beautiful 78 degree weather last Friday afternoon on the golf course, we had the wonderful treat of being visited by a bobcat out looking for his evening meal.

 Bobcats are common in AZ and we have quite a few roaming around Ventana Golf Course. There are plenty of rabbits as their food source.  This rabbit did escape.
Bobcats can get up to 35 lbs. This one looked life a full grown male. 
 I must have been boring him with my constant picture taking.

Needless to say, I took an 8 on hole #12 because I was much too enthralled with this beautiful creature to play golf.  Even though I have seen many bobcats while we are out playing golf, each time is a thrill to see such magnificent creatures.