Friday, August 11, 2017

Golfin' In The Rain - Again

Here we are again getting the first 9 holes in before the sky decides to let loose and give us beautiful rain (but not when we are out in the midst of it). But this time I was smart enough to put our rain jackets in the bags. Drove up to our cabin yesterday after Jim got home from work, smooth sailing and arrived at 7pm to enjoy the evening out on the deck listening to the quiet. This morning we did some yard work then decided to play golf even though the forecast was for some rain. So after lunch we headed over to Bison Golf Course. We had played this course a long time ago but it must not have impressed us because we couldn't really remember the course. They have changed it around some in the past year.

 It's a tight course, but very pretty nestled in the trees. But there are houses on both sides of narrow fairways, so us amateurs have a hard time keeping it down the middle. We did make it through the round without hitting a house.
Some pretty flowers along the way.
 It started raining on the 9th hole then quit, so we just continued on. Not really bothering us too much. Then on the 12th hole it decided to give us a downpour, so we took cover under some trees for awhile to let the thunderstorm pass. Finally went onto the 13th hole playing in the lighter rain as best we could. Trying to putt through water is quite difficult. Here is Jim hitting off the 18th hole.

Here is Jim's ball finding the stream created by the rains. I won't even tell you what we shot.
We finished that is all that counts. A little wet, but had a good time. Now our clubs, bags, and towels are drying out in the garage. Hopefully they will be mostly dry by tomorrow. Maybe another golf day?

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