Saturday, July 22, 2017

Inbetween Rain Storms

Thursday at 2pm it quit raining, so off we went to the golf course and teeing off on #1 by 2:30. Had a few sprinkles in the 2 1/4 hours it took us to play. Needless to say there was not anyone in front of us, we just zoomed through and ended up with a fair game, but enjoyable none the less.

Our evenings consist of sitting around the fire pit enjoying a glass (or two) of wine while taking in all the peaceful scenery. Wait - where is everyone?
Oh here is the better half enjoying the cooler temps in front of the fire.

Friday after cleaning off another portion of the coach and taking our short hike on the trail, we headed to this little trail by the river in town. It's a great trail, but only .65 miles long so only 1.3 miles round trip. 

I got a bear hug along the way.
They called this a river, but it looks more like a creek to me.
Just as we finished our walk a thunderstorm went through with a pretty good downpour. Glad we didn't get caught out in that. We walked around town looking in shops, nothing spectacular, then after a hamburger for lunch we decided that it was still possibility of rain so no golf yet. Headed off to the local casino to check that out. We walked out of the casino after 3 1/2 hours $164 richer from the fruit of our labors. Not a bad days work for having fun. 

Today (Sat.) we finished cleaning the RV and put the dirty towels in the washer while we went for our walk. Now just waiting for the towels to dry before we get to start our day. Of course rain is predicted again today, so will need to play it by ear (or feel) if we can get a round of golf in this afternoon. If not, we will figure something out - there is an art festival going on, so might take that in. It's just so nice enjoying the cooler weather, it doesn't matter that we do something or not.

Our play time will be over with tomorrow morning when we head back to Tucson. Hopefully we will get back without going through a rain storm.

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