Sunday, August 28, 2016

Trip Home

We were hoping to finish with Newell on Wed., but as usual it always takes longer than expected. So had time to do a little more walking. Here is another old building in Commerce.

We finally got on the road at 12:30pm on Thurs planning to make it to Amarillo. Of course we had the coach washed, so created all this rain on our trip. It seems as if the road always goes right through the  middle of these storm cells.
We had sun, rain and rainbows.
 Even though the sky was so black, the rain wasn't too bad.
 Yes we went right through the middle of this rain.
We got into Amarillo at 7:30pm, fueled up and parked at the Oasis RV Park for the night. Got up early the next morning and was on the road at 5am (Tucson time) for a 750 mile trip to Tucson. Got to the shop around 4:20 after a uneventful but raining in spots (especially at Benson where we experienced at downpour) trip. Got the coach put away and was home by 5:30, always glad to be back but looking forward to the next trip.

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