Took the '67 up to show at the Cars & Coffee yesterday morning at La Encantada shopping center. Beautiful morning to hang out with "car" people and look at all the great cars that are here in Tucson. Here's our beautiful '67. It sure makes a nice presence in any car show.
It turned out to be a great show with lots of people and many different types of cars from old classics to new vehicles.
Jim found several guys who knew cobras so he was able to gather more info for his research on his next vehicle he will probably purchase. Jim's preference is an Indigo Blue with a white stripe, even though the red looks good also.
It was such an enjoyable time, that 3 hours passed by in a blink. Tucked the '67 back in the garage, then headed for the golf course. Ended the day enjoying watching NBA on the patio tasting some vino and grilling hamburgers. How can it get any better?
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