We finally are at our lot in Indio, first trip for this season. (It was last August the last time we had the RV out for a spin). Wanted to come over Christmas week, but just not warm enough, but now the weather is perfect. Finally got out of Tucson a little after 1:30pm on Friday after getting new tires put on the RV. After nine years it was time to change out the tires. Heading west towards California, the traffic wasn't too bad until we got to about 43 miles east of Indio where the traffic just stopped. It took us about 45 minutes longer to get through road construction. All the backup for getting traffic to merge into one lane. But we made it by 8:45pm.
We spent out first day cleaning out the casita and setting up, then lunch at the restaurant and golf in the afternoon then dinner at the restaurant. We did play pretty good considering the wind was blowing hard and it's been quite awhile since we have played. The view from our lot is still just as beautiful as before. For the next week we will be enjoying some gorgeous weather, golf and good food at the restaurant. The only night we will have to cook will be Tues. It's almost like being back on the cruise ship with all this wonderful food.