What do you do on a Saturday that the weather forecast predicts rain for the full day? Well, you go wine tasting of course! So that's what we proceeded to do, leaving the house at 10am heading for Willcox (about 90 miles east on I10). This area we have not experienced before, so thought it would be a good day to sample the wines of that area. As we are heading down Houghton Rd, almost to I10, I hit something in the road (most likely a pot hole) that neither Jim nor I saw and a little ways further I got the notice of low tire pressure - so happen there was a convenient spot to pull over right away. Of course the back tire was flat.

So Jim had the pleasure of changing the tire to the spare. We took the flat tire to Discount Tires just back up the road about a mile (luckily didn't need to go far). Something had put a hole in the inside tire wall and also did a little damage to the rim. So, since we needed to replace the tire, we decided it was best just to replace all the tires, but that store did not have them in stock and it would take them over 2 hours to get them. So we drove back home and parked the Lincoln in the garage - but not to deter us from our fun, rainy day, we just jumped in Jim's truck and took off back down the road to our original destination, only 2 hours later.
We made it to Willcox without further incidents (Jim was better at missing all the pot holes than I was). Our first stop was at Coronado Winery where we were the only wine tasters, so we essentially had a private wine tasting. We also enjoyed a beautiful cheese/fruit/chocolate plate. It was a great first stop and their wines were surprisingly good as we proceeded on purchasing 6 bottles.

Next we headed downtown Willcox to catch 4 different tasting rooms. And when I say "downtown" I'm talking that if you blink you will miss it. But it's a cute little area, nothing really there worth visiting except the wine tasting. We ended up purchasing a couple more bottles, but nothing spectacular. With all the rain, the roads to the outlying wineries were not passible (we were informed that you would need 4 wheel drive to get through), so after finishing the tasting room visits, we headed back to Tucson to finish the day with dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse to celebrate Jim's birthday which was yesterday (2/1). All in all it was an enjoyable, rainy day even with the little diversion.
Now this morning (Monday) I'm heading to the tire store to get new tires on the Lincoln. Hopefully the rim isn't damaged too much that I either need to get it replaced or repaired. We'll see in another 1/2 hour.