Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It's Here

Yes, the 1968 Mustang GT500 finally arrived from Vancouver WA. It took about 1 1/2 months to get everything done and shipped to us. The transport truck showed up yesterday and we now have the beautiful car in our garage.

I just sent in our registration form to show it on March 2nd at Fords on Fourth, a car show sponsored by the mustang club we belong to. Now Jim needs to get out in that garage and make it show ready!

Not much has been happening since we came back from Indio the 5th of January. The weather has been just beautiful for this time of the year - getting up into the 70s during the afternoons. As you can see it's shorts and T-shirt weather. We have been riding our bikes on the river trail on the weekends (I also go during the week) and have played some golf.

Thanks to Michele and Joe for Christmas presents of 1000 piece puzzles, I thought to start one the Monday after we got back from Indio. Jim and I worked on that puzzle for 2 weeks before we got it completed. And I thought golf was frustrating! I think I'll wait a couple of months before I start on the other puzzle.

Last weekend we made a quick trip over to Marin County, CA. Flew into Oakland, then drove over to Novato to look at a surprise that will show up at our doorstep around the middle to the end of Feb. Stay tuned for details when it gets here.

Also the case of wine we purchased when we were up in Vancouver, WA just showed up today. Now we can really celebrate getting the GT500!!